I’ve been playing with the Famo.us framework lately. If you haven’t heard, Famo.us aims to help you develop modern, performant and complex UIs for any screens.
Famo.us University is the official place to learn more about Famo.us. The website lets you live code in Famo.us without installing anything. I’ve finished Famo.us 101 and 102 lessons and I am excited to start new mini-lessons under the “Components” section.
The first project, ”Polaroid Slideshow”, helps you architect and design a simple Famo.us app. After finishing it, you will have a working polaroid camera app. Photos will be coming out of the camera, shaking while being developed, before falling to the ground when touched.
I’ve also extended the project so that you can choose multiple photos or take them if you use a mobile device. When the user chooses their photos, I need to hide the old slideshow view, which contains all the slides/photos. However, it is not possible to remove a surface from a context/container. This is because the render tree is immutable and therefore does not support deletion. I ended up following the approach described by DrClick’s comment on Famo.us’ GitHub issues page. When I need to change the photos, I’ll hide the old slideshow view, and add the new slideshow view to the existing slideshow container.
I’ve monitored the app performance using Chrome’s task manager, alternating between choosing new photos and taking them, and it doesn’t exhibit any memory leaks. Famo.us seems to be able to re-use the DOM elements and releases memory previously held by views that are now hidden. If you have a better approach, I’d be interested to hear your opinions.
You can play with the app here. I’d recommend using Chrome on iPad if you use a mobile device. The source code is on GitHub. Hope you enjoy the app! Leave me a comment if you have any questions.
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